Lean Management Academy Sdn Bhd (LMA) is proud to sign an MoU with Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), and its primary purpose is to establish a collaboration framework under which MPC will recognise and certify Lean training and implementation programs conducted by LMA.
Read the full press release:
MPC, LMA tie up to boost productivity
Lean Management Academy (LMA) agrees to:
Conduct HRDC claimable Lean program.
Issue a Certification of Attendance to participants who complete the Lean program.
Submit evidence of program completion and implementation outcomes for participants seeking Certification for Certified Practitioner in Lean.
Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) agrees to:
Provide formal recognition of the LEAN program conducted by Lean Management Academy Sdn. Bhd. (LMA), as a valid training program for productivity improvement and operational efficiency.
Develop and issue a Certification of Certified Practitioner in Lean to individuals who have not only completed the program but have also successfully implemented LEAN methodologies in their operations, subject to verification by MPC.